Part 88: Like a Rocket Man
Chapter 87 - Like a Rocket Man
Oh my God somebody help us.

So yeah, this is Emerald Weapon.

Poor Barret couldn't even off himself properly to spare the pain.
Emerald Weapon is an optional boss, one of which was added for the US version. It's part of FF7's "endgame" and this video showcases exactly what happens when a player encounters him for the first time.

We're not supposed to fight him now. Still, we got a pretty pimp submarine - as long as we avoid him we're fine (he doesn't actively pursue us like Midgar Zolom).

A bit down south and we find the Red Submarine we took down.

And there we go. One less thing to worry.
Nevertheless we still have a task. There's still the matter of the materia they were planning to transport from the Junon airport as we heard from the submarine telecom.

Up we go, again.

Oh, damn.

Seems like we're late to the party. It's almost like Shinra split the transport of the huge materias so we couldn't intercept both.

It's good that every Shinra soldier is so motivated to reveal everything about everything.


I wonder what is "the stuff" that Gelnika is transporting.

Well information flies fast.

We have no option, we need to get to Rocket Town as quickly as possible!

Your rocket is the least of your worries, buddy.

People don't seem to believe the plan's gonna work. We're here to make sure they're right.


It's Monalisa with Midgar in the background.

Here comes a translator's nightmare.


I think this is one of the most surreal exchanges in the game.

Off-screen: Cid kicks the old man.

Yeah, let's move on.

You have no idea.

These are very average grunts.

They don't really pose much of a threat at this point.

I mean, Shinra has at least to pretend they're putting up some resistance.

Screw you guys. HALITOSIS.


What's the worst that can happen anyway?

Not again.

After taking a beating from the terrible horror from the deep sea, someone needs to pay.

There we go. Feeling much better now.

The item we stole is the [Ziedrich].

As the description implies, it's a really, really powerful armor. It halves every Elemental damage, including "hidden" elements like Punch, Hit and Cut, which are used by some non-Elemental attacks in the game. On top of that, it adds +20 to Strength and Magic.
Its downside is having no materia slots.

I love how Cloud is so nonchalant about the fact they're pretty much invincible super-heroes.

Oh you can't be serious. For fuck's sake.

And just like that we conclude this update.
More Rockets! Space! Meteors! Materias!